North Norfolk


It seems to be quite a thing at the moment. What can you do to try and protect yourself. I have spoken previously about doubling down on the work when feeling triggered. Whether it be physically or emotionally.

I was recently asked what doubling down on recovery meant. Even though I have a solid amount of time in sobriety I know when things are tough and let’s face it life can be tough, I need to double down on my recovery.
So for me at the moment this looks like:
✍️last night I journaled
💤 I took a 15 minute rest
🌊 I went to the sea to realise that in comparison to that vastness my problem is small
🏊‍♀️I swam in the sea because that energises me
📞I checked in with a sober buddy and my coach
EFT I did a round of emotional freedom technique
🚶‍♀️🐕‍🦺I went for a walk with my dogs
🌳I stood and listened to nature
🌊 I went back to the beach to watch the water

I will keep this doubling down effort until these emotional triggers stop. Because, for me my sobriety is the most important thing in my life. Without that the rest won’t be as beautiful as it is now.

April 8th 2021

I had 15 months of sobriety last week and I had written a 1-15 list of things I’ve noticed on my journey.  As a little exercise I decided to do this with the first 15 letters of the alphabet.  

A – Acceptance of my journey and that this is the path I want to follow.

B – Brave, I felt brave taking the first step and admitting I have a problem and I need help.

C – Connection and community, I couldn’t have got this far without the awesome love and support I’ve had in the recovery community.

D – Dealing with my shit. Who knew you didn’t have to numb out! The other option is to deal with your shit…

E – Empowered. I’m also owning my shit and not hiding it and that feels empowering.

F – Fun! I’ve had so much fun and laughter and I remember it ALL!

G – Growth, I feel like I’ve grown more over the last 15 months than I have over the last 46 years.

H – Healthier, I don’t feel like I’m poisoning myself and I no longer sit with huge anxiety that all the alcohol I had been consuming was going to give me throat cancer or liver disease.

I – Insecurity. Some days are tough, and it makes me feel insecure about my journey.

J – pure and simple JOY!

K – Kindred – our recovery tribe.

L – Learned. I’ve learnt a lot about myself since I’ve started this journey.

M – Meditation, something I’ve started to do since I’ve got sober.

N – Night-time routine. This is something I’ve never done; I now love it. I see it as self-care.

O – Outside, I love noticing all the sounds and being outside in nature.

Have a question?