North Norfolk

About me

About me

Accredited ICF ACC Life Coach CCAR Designated Recovery Coach

Georgia Hatfull

Qualifications and experience.

RCP- Recovery Coach Professional

Fully qualified Crystal and Himalayan Sound Healing Practitioner through The College of Sound Healing

I qualified as a Recovery Coach Designate with CCAR in 2021. I became accredited with the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) in 2022 and follow their code of ethics. I hold memberships with the ISSUP (International Society of Substance Use Professionals) and with Addictions Professionals.
I hold an ICF accredited Professional Coach Diploma. Further qualifications include:

Mental Health First Aid – Level 2
CCAR Recovery Coach Academy Spirituality & Recovery Coaching
CCAR Recovery Coach Academy Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches
Cambridge Regional College Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Matrix College Introduction to Counselling Skills
Online Academies Diploma in counselling children and adolescents

View my ICF Profile

How recovery came into my life

In March 2019 I was in a desperate place. I’d known for many years that my drinking was not what many would consider as ‘normal’. No-one could see this from the outside, everyone I was socialising with and had socialised with over the years had used alcohol and other substances.  The thing that I had always known to be different was that I didn’t have an off switch. My stop valve was broken! I ALWAYS carried on. I’d hate the ‘comedown’ and always wanted to extend the buzz, I was always the last to leave the party.


I didn’t like who I felt I had become, how bad my relationship with myself was and how that affected the people around me. At the beginning of 2019 I reached out to a local support, I couldn’t find a Recovery Coach but I did find a behaviour change workshop. I was petrified that I would know someone else in the room and what would they think?  Once I was in the group, I felt such a huge sense of relief that these people understood me and that there was other people out there struggling with the same issues that I was facing.

I am now over 1000 days sober. My life has changed so much for the better. Becoming sober was the best decision I have made in my life. Through my sobriety I realised that I wanted to help others that were facing the same issues I had been. I have been doing this through my sober support groups which I run twice a week and seeing clients on a 1:1 basis both over zoom and in person.

I chose the business name Limitless Recovery Coaching because in sobriety life really does become LIMITLESS.

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